Estill Level One & Two in Copenhagen
Dette Estill Voice Training henvender sig til alle der bruger stemmen; sangere, korsangere, sanglærere, skuespillere, talepædagoger, logopæder m. fl. Undervisere: Helga Westmark; EMCI AdvTP, Dorte Hyldstrup; EMCI AdvTP, Gitte Hugger Paxevanos EMT & Jacob Asmussen, EMT. Pris: 4.500 excl. Ressource fee, Early
Variations of the Estill Voice Qualities & strategies for a “mixed voice”
This online workshop will begin with a practical repetition of the Six Estill Voice Qualities. You will experience what´s needed to be able to use the Voice Qualities out of their natural range. This will be followed by typical variations and different
Kickstart your Estill Voice Print Training
This workshop is presented online via zoom by EMCI TP Dorte Hyldstrup. The idea is to offer a crash course where I will guide you through the Estill Voiceprint Plus Program. How do you make a good recording? What is the criteria for
Kickstart your Estill Voice Print Training
This workshop is presented online via zoom by EMCI TP Dorte Hyldstrup. The idea is to offer a crash course where I will guide you through the Estill Voiceprint Plus Program. How do you make a good recording? What is the criteria for
Hybrid Estill Level One & Two Course, Online and in Leipzig
Presented by Estill Mentor & Course Instructor Dorte Hyldstrup, DK & Estill Master Trainer Teresa Suschke-Kaden Online: 15.01 + 22.01 + 29.01 + 26.02 + 12.03 from 16:30 – 19:30 OBS these 5 sessions will be held together with students from Finland,